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03/09/2005 Anthony Arnachallan (South Africa) ***Fatal*** ??

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 2:00 am
by sharkbait
Shark attack victim found
03/09/2005 14:46 - (SA)

Tisha Steyn

Durban - The body of a man believed to have been attacked by a shark was found at the mouth of the Isipingo River in the Ethekwini municipal area in KwaZulu-Natal on Friday.

Craig Lambinon for the National Sea Rescue Institute said lifeguards found the body of a man washed up on the shore about 09:00 after being informed by a member of the public.

Jace Govender of the Nokia rescue helicopter based in Durban said the body of a man in his 50s, had three bite marks on the body.

Govender believed the man might have been attacked by a 2.5m tiger shark. It was estimated that the attack took place about 12 hours earlier.

"The sea is dirty and we suspect the shark was drawn to the area by the dirty brown water," Govender said.

"An autopsy on the body will be performed to determine if the person drowned first and was then bitten by the shark, or if this was an aggressive shark attack."

However, it was unusual for a shark to attack a dead body, he said, and there were indications that this was an "aggressive attack".

Govender urged the public not to swim when the sea is dirty.

The conditions have been caused by a 30-knot southwesterly wind, which had also shifted shark nets in the area along the Durban coastline.

"The Ethekwini lifeguards are monitoring the situation along the Isipingo shorefront," Govender said.

Shark bites post mortem - GSAF