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07/25/2021 - Everton dos Reis Guimarães - Brazil

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 1:04 am
by alb
Shark attack victim ignored three lifeguard alerts
Witnesses say the man remained conscious after the attack, which left injuries to the victim's leg and buttocks.
Julia Portela
07/26/2021 9:05,updated 7/26/2021 10:29 AM

Witnesses told G1 about the last moments of the 32-year-old man attacked by a shark this Sunday (25/2), in Jaboatão dos Guararapes, in Recife . According to a street vendor, the victim ignored three alerts from the lifeguard and waiters at a beach bar.

“The lifeguard beeped and signaled three times, and the waiters here at the bar also warned the man not to go, but he went. I was there at the front taking care of it and, when I looked, he was already swimming to fight the shark”, reported the woman.

The dispatcher Ivanildo José da Silva said that he felt sick when he saw his friend's injuries. “One person said 'there's a shark' and everyone ran, but I didn't know anything, it was my friend. At that time, I got sick, the firefighters came to help me too, they put me there and then I went to see him”, he said.

Man attacked by shark on Recife beach Brazil

A man has a leg almost torn off by a shark in Recife

The victim had an injury to the posterior part of the left thigh and buttocks and underwent surgery on the same day. According to the HR of the Hospital da Restauração, where the man is hospitalized, he is conscious in the recovery room and is scheduled to go to the infirmary.

Ivanildo said that his friend was conscious after the accident: “They put that tape on so people wouldn't go through, only I could get closer. I arrived and asked, 'Why did you do that?' and he told me he was going to take a shower. I said, 'Didn't I tell you it was dangerous here?'

In the area, known as Igrejinha de Piedade, another 13 cases of animal attacks were recorded . This is the second shark attack at the same location in a 15-day span. On July 10 , a 51-year-old man died after a shark incident. The bather had his hand ripped off and a deep wound in his thigh. He was even taken to hospital, but he didn't resist.

Common accidents in the region
Since 1992, when attacks on the coast of Pernambuco began to be recorded, another 66 incidents involving sharks have been reported. The data are from the State Monitoring Committee (Cemit) . In total, there were 26 deaths in the period.

Of every five shark attacks reported in Pernambuco, one occurred in the same area. Of the other 13 people attacked at the site, 12 were bathers and one was a surfer. Seven died.

To avoid incidents with sharks, several activities at sea have been banned since 1999 in higher risk areas. Among them, surfing and bodyboarding.