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11/05/2020 - Anthony Feaster - Bahamas

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 6:35 pm
by alb
Hurricane survivor's hand ripped open in Bahama's shark attack

A survivor of Hurricane Dorian had the tendons in his hand ripped apart by a shark when it latched onto him while he was spearfishing.

Anthony Feaster was fishing with a friend in waters off East End, Grand Bahama on Friday when the three-metre reef shark struck.

"I felt something clasp onto my hand wrist, and without thinking at all, I started to wrestle with this thing," Mr Feaster told The Tribune.

Anthony Feaster had his hand ripped open by a reef shark while spearfishing in the Bahamas on Friday. (Go Fund Me)

"I remember pulling my hand out of its mouth, and that is how I really got away from it and received all that damage; and why my hand is all torn the way it is because - I pulled it out of its mouth."

From the point the Sweetings Cay resident felt the shark latch on, it was no more than five seconds before adrenalin kicked in and he managed to shake it off.

But the shark managed to rip through several tendons in his right hand and wrist which required detailed surgery to reattach them.

"I lost a lot of blood; it was a lot of blood in the boat. I don't know how all that blood came out of me and I didn't die," he said.

Despite the scary encounter and surgeons saying he will likely need a year of rehabilitation before his hand is fully healed, Mr Feaster is eager to get back to his work spearfishing.

He says after Hurricane Dorian ripped through Sweetings Cay, destroying his and many other family's homes, he needs the work to help rebuild and provide for his family.