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09/24/2019 - Logan Radd 13 yr - Florida

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 6:24 pm
by alb
Shark attack leaves boy with gaping wound needing 19 stitches after horror bite

A 13-year-old boy was left needing 19 stitches after a shark took a chunk out of his foot in a horror attack.

Logan Radd was swimming in the sea near Grant Avenue, Florida, US, on Tuesday at around 4pm when he felt something at his foot.
Logan Radd shark attack.jpg
He said: “I was coming in and he bit my foot and then he bit it again. It was probably a 2-foot shark”.

The keen surfer was left with two gaping wounds on his left foot following the terrifying ordeal.

And he needed 19 stitches to patch up the bloody gashes, Florida Today reported.

The boy’s mother, Jennifer Radd, watched on in shock as her son jerked his feet in the water and into the water before seeing a black-tipped shark flee the scene.

She then took the injured lad to Holmes Regional Medical Center in Melbourne where he received treatment.

Ms Radd explained: “He just told me, 'Mommy, don't cry."
She continued: “He was so brave, just telling me he was going to be OK. The bites looked pretty gnarly and got him 19 stitches.

“He wasn't in pain until about 2:30 a.m. It's just the worst thing a mother could go through."

Sharks are common in the waters of Florida although encounters with humans are uncommon and bites are even rarer.

“It’s been fairly quiet,” said Brevard County Ocean Lifeguard Division Chief Eisen Witcher.

“From our standpoint, we have not had any shark-related incidents in the guarded areas.”