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04/05/2019 - Nana Female- Hong Kong aquarium

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 5:38 pm
by alb
A diver was left with numerous wounds to her head after a shark attacked her during a lesson inside an aquarium tank.

The learner driver - who has been named as Nana by local media - was taking part in a diving lesson held Laohutan Aquarium in the city of Dalian in the Liaoning Province of southern China when she was bitten by a shark.

The woman was left with wounds to her face, head and jaw. Credit: AsiaWire

The woman was rushed to hospital where she underwent four hours of surgery and was left with 70 stitches to her face, head and jaw.

According to reports, she is still in hospital under observation, but shocking photos show the severity of her injuries.

The tank in which the lesson was being held was home to a number of sand tiger sharks, which is described as a 'cousin' of the great white shark.

It was one of these sharks that attacked Nana while she was taking part.

The Level One diving lesson reportedly cost for 3,600 RMB (£410) from the diving club she is a member of.

She was left needing 70 stitches for her injuries. Credit: AsiaWire

In a message to Nana the manager of the diving club wrote: "You're excellent because you finished the diving lesson before taking the diving theory lesson.

"I promise to give you a professional diving theory lessen when you are recovered. I will cover all the expenses for your surgery and cosmetic surgery in the future."

Local media reports claim that Nana is attempting to work out a compensation package with the club for her injuries.

The sand tiger shark usually lives in the waters around Japan, Australia, South Africa, South America and the Mediterranean. They vary in size anywhere from 1.98m (6.5ft) to 3.2m (10.5ft) in length and weigh between 90kg (200lbs) and 158kg (350lbs).

They look mean, but according to the National Geographic, they're usually quite placid.

"They are a docile, non-aggressive species, known to attack humans only when bothered first," National Geographic states.

A sentiment which was echoed by one social media user who spotted the story about Nana's attack.

"That was a sand tiger shark," they wrote. "It's a relatively docile animal but it's not the first time that it has attacked a human when it is pissed off."