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07/27/2019 - William Angell - Florida

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 12:31 pm
by alb
Shark Attack on William Angell Shark Attack at New Smyrna Beach Florida Volusia County shark attack.

Boogie boarder suffers shark bite off New Smyrna Beach

A man visiting from Arizona was bitten by a shark while boogie boarding off New Smyrna Beach, according to a report from Volusia County Beach Safety.

William Angell, 49, was bitten on his right thigh while in the ocean off the 2000 Block North at 4:30 p.m.

Angell received lacerations from one strike, the report stated, and did not see the shark. He was treated on scene and chose to drive himself to Bert Fish Medical Center for further medical care.

This is the third shark bite off Florida’s east coast in less than a month. A 16-year-old girl was bitten by a shark off Amelia Island on July 12, also while boogie boarding, and an 18-year-old surfer was bitten by a shark off New Smyrna Beach on June 30.

In April, a shark bit a teenager from Sanford on the calf while he waded in waist-deep water in New Smyrna Beach.

Most years, shark bites happen off Florida’s coasts more than anywhere else in the world, with Volusia County leading the way. That’s often due to surfers near Ponce Inlet getting bitten in the stirred up waters near New Smyrna Beach.