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11/07/2013 - Sandor Melian - Florida

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:06 pm
by alb
Surfer Bitten by Shark Off Floridana Beach, Florida

On Thursday, November 7, 2013, a surfer was bitten by a shark off Floridana Beach which is located on a barrier island in Brevard County, Florida.

According to Space Coast Daily, Sandor Melian was surfing with a physician friend, Dr. David Dominquez at about 8:45 in the morning. Melian was paddling back to the lineup and was going over the face of a wave when he felt a hard bump on the back of his left leg and was bitten on the foot by a six to eight foot unidentified type of shark.

Melian, who is trained as a medic, realized that he needed to stay calm and he caught a wave back to shore where fellow surfer and friend, Dr. Dominquez worked on his injury.

Melian suffered a severed tendon and lacerations to his toes and required 20 stitches. His recovery time is estimated between four to six weeks.

While reflecting on the incident and whether it will keep him from the water in the future, Melian told Space Coast Daily, "I always pray to God to take care of me before I go out there. I think might just go back to my longboard. I’m definitely going back out there as soon as I can.”

Space Coast Daily