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Re: 06/30/2011 Tyler Cyronak ( Turks & Caicos )

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:21 am
by alb
06-30-2011-turks-caios.jpg (17.9 KiB) Viewed 16473 times
“I was snorkeling off of a reefy outcrop on a pretty desolate beach in the Turks and Caicos,”he said. ”I swam out past some waves breaking and approached the rock cliffs. After snorkeling around for a bit I saw an area that had waves breaking across a low point in the reef cliffs,so there was a lot of bubbles and turbulence making it hard to see. I wanted to dive underneath the bubbles to get a view of what was on the bottom so I took a deep breath and dove. The only thing I remember is briefly seeing the bottom and thinking it was cool. The next second felt like someone took a baseball bat and whacked me on the shoulder. I turned around thinking I ran into a rock but saw no rock and felt nothing with my hands. The next thought that crossed my mind (only because I watch hours of Shark Week) was ‘This is what shark bites supposedly feel like’.”

06/30/2011 Tyler Cyronak ( Turks & Caicos )

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:44 am
by alb
On June 30, 2011 Tyler Cyronak (28) year old male was Snorkeling at the TURKS & CAICOS - Middle Caicos -Mudjin Harbor and suffered Lacerations to left shoulder and back at 13h30 hours.